After a long hot summer it’s finally starting to feel like fall again!
Much of the time when fall arrives, I’m not ready. Summer never seems long enough but this year was a huge exception.
I never thought I’d say it but I’m ready for the change. Ready to put away all of those summer clothes and move back into my cozy clothes of autumn.
My clients often ask me how to transfer autumn in and summer out when there will still be some of those 75 plus degree days.
And like most things in life, it happens in baby steps.
Here’s what I generally recommend:
- Put away all (except one) of the super summery sundresses. If it happens to be hot enough to wear a sundress you will have one available.
- Move your jeans back to the front of your closet. Even on a 70 degree day, you can wear jeans with sandals and a top and not be too warm.
- Speaking of sandals, keep a pair or two of your favorites out and start transitioning your closed toed shoes or short boots to the front of your closet.
- Lightweight fabrics are great for layering so keep those sweaters and cottons close to the front of your closet and make sure you grab one before you leave the house. Sitting outdoors during this time of year is heaven but is often a little chilly so a sweater or scarf is a perfect addition.
- Even when it’s warm, it’s still fall, so try to think in terms of more subtle colors and consider pairing a summer dress with your favorite booties or flats.
- Finally, don’t hesitate to start the morning with boots and end the day with sandals. Just keep a tote in your car with an extra pair and by the end of the day you will be happy you did!
Farewell summer and onto fall! Enjoy.